Henri Le Monnier (1893-1978) was mainly a poster artist and illustrator, he was also active in the comics field. Born in Paris, Le Monnier studied drawing and painting at the école Pilon and at the School for Decorative Arts in this city. As a poster artist, he worked for printers like Lutecia (1923-32), Joseph Charles (1934-43) and Gaillard (1934-54). In addition, he pursued a career in illustrating. He was present in Fantasia, Le Sourire, Le Journal Amusant, L'Oeuvre and Marianne during the 1920s and 1930s.
It wasn't until the 1940s, that Le Monnier drew his first comics. He illustrated the 'Tarzan' pages in Junior, prior to Auguste Liquois, in 1940. That same year, he joined Pierrot magazine, for which he made 'Bill la Flêche', followed by comics like 'L'étrange M. Ram', 'Paulix', 'Les Voyages de Gulliver' and 'Monsieur de Crac' until 1950. During this period, he also worked for the Belgian publisher Gordinne, drawing for the magazines Cap'tain Sabord ('Tiffhutté, Homme Préhistorique', le Club de l'Aventure') and Wrill ('Les Inventions du Professeur Azimut', 'Jean d'Armor').
For publisher Artima, he took over the 'King le Vengeur' series in Red Canyon (1954-55) and Audax (1956). He was additionally present in the 'Farandole, Magazine des Grandes' section in the Fleurus magazine Ames Vaillantes. He then left the comics field and focused on illustrating tales in Total Journal (1962-65).
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It wasn't until the 1940s, that Le Monnier drew his first comics. He illustrated the 'Tarzan' pages in Junior, prior to Auguste Liquois, in 1940. That same year, he joined Pierrot magazine, for which he made 'Bill la Flêche', followed by comics like 'L'étrange M. Ram', 'Paulix', 'Les Voyages de Gulliver' and 'Monsieur de Crac' until 1950. During this period, he also worked for the Belgian publisher Gordinne, drawing for the magazines Cap'tain Sabord ('Tiffhutté, Homme Préhistorique', le Club de l'Aventure') and Wrill ('Les Inventions du Professeur Azimut', 'Jean d'Armor').
For publisher Artima, he took over the 'King le Vengeur' series in Red Canyon (1954-55) and Audax (1956). He was additionally present in the 'Farandole, Magazine des Grandes' section in the Fleurus magazine Ames Vaillantes. He then left the comics field and focused on illustrating tales in Total Journal (1962-65).