Albert Füss (1889-1969) German artist, born in Frankfurt/Main; studied at the Frankfurter Kunstschule (Art Academy). Artistic director of the "Frankfurter Zeitung", a leading newspaper and the...
Preiswerte Erholungsaufenthalte (Inexpensive Recreational Stays) - Hamburg-Amerika Linie (Hamburg-American Line) HAPAG - REISEBÜROAlbert Füss (1889-1969) German artist, born in Frankfurt/Main;...
Albert Füss (1889-1969) German artist, born in Frankfurt/Main; studied at the Frankfurter Kunstschule (Art Academy). Artistic director of the "Frankfurter Zeitung", a leading newspaper and the...
Albert Füss (1889-1969) German artist, born in Frankfurt/Main; studied at the Frankfurter Kunstschule (Art Academy). Artistic director of the "Frankfurter Zeitung", a leading newspaper and the...