Constantin (Kostia) Terechkovitch (1902 - 1978) usually known as Kostia Terechkovitch, was born near Moscow. In 1920 he went to Paris to study art at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière. Welcomed by compatriots such as Larionov and Soutine, Terechkovitch settled in Montparnasse, where his close friends included Chagall, matisse, Picasso, Kisling and Lanskoy.
Kostia Terechkovitch was eventually to become the only Montparnasse artist of the between-the-wars School of Paris to maintain his own racing stable, an indication of the keen interest in sport and high living. Kostia Terechkovitch was a key member of the loose alliance of colourists known as La Réalité Poètique; the others included Roland Oudot, Maurice Brianchon, André Planson, Jules Cavaillès, and Roger Limouse. His name is variously transliterated - sometimes as Constantin, sometimes as Tereschkovitch.
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Kostia Terechkovitch was eventually to become the only Montparnasse artist of the between-the-wars School of Paris to maintain his own racing stable, an indication of the keen interest in sport and high living. Kostia Terechkovitch was a key member of the loose alliance of colourists known as La Réalité Poètique; the others included Roland Oudot, Maurice Brianchon, André Planson, Jules Cavaillès, and Roger Limouse. His name is variously transliterated - sometimes as Constantin, sometimes as Tereschkovitch.