Description Additional Information Description View AllClose Additional Information Artist: Paul George Lawler Year: 1940 View AllClose
Choose Options Wings to America - Via Pan American Airways - Statue of Liberty, New York - c. 1940 Paul George Lawler MSRP: Now: $14.98 - $199.98 Was:
Choose Options Australia & New Zealand by Clipper - Pan American World Airways - c. 1950 Mark von Arenburg MSRP: Now: $14.98 - $199.98 Was: Sailing Boats Australian Koalas and Kookaburra bird
Choose Options Fly to Chile - Via Pan American World Airways - c. 1936 Richard "Dick" Oliphant MSRP: Now: $14.98 - $199.98 Was: Chile's volcano and lake Vintage Airline Travel Poster
Choose Options New Zealand - Pan American World Airways - Native Maori Warrior and Tiki - c. 1955 Aaron Amspoker MSRP: Now: $14.98 - $199.98 Was: Vintage Travel Poster